Brad Tokaruk

Brad is a recently retired civil servant with a long background at Crystal Lake. He spent his youth at the lake (family cabin adjacent to the golf course) as well as many summer vacations over the years. After completing a post-secondary education Brad began a 41-year career with the Saskatchewan Government.
The first half of his career was as a Conservation Officer working in many locations across the province. Experience and training gained during this time included enforcement activities, park operations, animal control, forest fire suppression, environmental protection and forest management. Then next 10 years were spend as a technician primarily surveying fish and wildlife populations. The final years brought increased supervisory responsibilities in wildlife management with communication, committee, regulation and policy development responsibilities.
Brad and his wife Sandy have chosen to make Crystal Lake their home and are completing an extensive renovation of the Gallagher Cabin at 108 Lakeview Drive.
Brad can be reached at or (306) 540-4257.